Plus... Free Workplace Safety Information.

Safety Work Boots as Tough as Your Team.
Learn about the Red Wing Shoes HassleFree® Safety Footwear Program. Simply set up a 15–minute visit with your local Red Wing Industrial Sales Manager and you’ll receive a certificate for a free pair of Red Wing® or WORX® safety footwear. Keep the certificate for yourself or give it to an employee to test our boots in your work environment (up to a $150 value).**
**Company must have at least 25 employees and complete a 15–minute appointment with a Red Wing Industrial Sales Manager. Offer available to new customers only. Offer available only in the United States.Valuable Whitepapers
Stay on top of changing regulations and download helpful information with these timely whitepapers. All complimentary.
Metguard Safety Shoes — Protect Feet in the Workplace
A work environment can be a dangerous place. Falling objects can cause injuries, even if cascading from heights of only a few feet. Read this whitepaper to learn why metguard safety shoes are an important part of many work environments.
ASTM Updates to Safety Footwear Regulatory Standards
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) recently updated safety footwear standards which affect the testing of all safety footwear products. Learn the reasons for the changes.
A Guide to OSHA’s Footwear Regulations
Learn about protecting the ankles, feet, and knees of your workforce with quality industrial footwear. Reduce lost work days due to injuries, improve productivity, and heighten morale.